Folsom Family Room 105 Paint Your Own Witches Hat Ages 7 to adu

2 30 PM - 4 30 PMBubble Bubble Toil and Trouble Join us in our Folsom Family Room for a FAMILY FRIENDLY EVENT Paint and decorate your own witches hat PLEASE NOTE This class is for ages 7 and up This is a non-alcoholic event ONLY 25 All art supplies included Guests may bring in any food or non-alcoholic beverages to enjoy throughout the class ADULTS AND TEENS ARE WELCOME This class is open to anyone ages 7 and up so please feel free to sign up for this class and enjoy the experience of painting with your child. You may leave the studio to let them paint if you wish however you must leave all contact information at our front desk in case of an emergency.If you are not painting with your child and you want to stay in the studio please help us by keeping the talking to a minimum during class instruction so that our painters can hear the instruction. Also please note that there may not be room to stay in the Family Room studio if the class sells out. Feel free to go shopping on Sutter Street or relax at our cafe tables in the other studio.Create a beautiful painting as a unique gift Or give the gift of creativity by purchasing Gift Certificates for the ones you love Gift Certificates can be purchased online from our website. They do not expire and can be used toward any class.



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