Brand New 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Home 136

Welcome to 136 Barn Ridge This 1 224 sq. ft. brand-new home is beautifully designed with 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and separate utility area. Such a cute set up with covered front porch. The kitchen features an awesome walk in pantry and is open to the living room are perfect for entertaining Master bath features large closet and double-sink master bath. All kitchen appliances included Own this home for as little as 1000 monthly (including lot rent ) asking price is 75 000. Fenton Oaks Manufactured Community is nestled in a private wooded setting walking distance from shopping restaurants and entertainment. Just minutes away from downtown the beach and US-23 expressway. Our Community has spacious sites mature trees throughout and lighted streets and sidewalks. For more information or to view this home please call 810.714.3668 or stop by the office at 28 Chinkapin Rill Fenton MI 48430. Office hours are Monday - Friday 8 30am - 5 30pm. Financing is available bruised credit will be considered. Based on minimum down payment and approved application. Check out our other homes and September specials We are an equal housing opportunity.



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