9980 SOUTH 300 WEST - Class A Office in Sandy

- SUITE 400 5 500 RSF OFFICE SUBLEASE- LED DECEMBER 2023- BEAUTIFUL CLASS A BUILDING- MIX OF LARGE PRIVATE OFFICES AND OPEN SPACE- SHARED BREAK ROOM- FIBER AVAILABLE- AMPLE PARKING 4.0 1 000 SF- FLEXIBLE LEASE TERM- FREEWAY FRONTAGE & VISIBILITY- EASY ACCESS TO I-15 LEASE RATE 23.00 SF Full Service 9980 SOUTH 300 WEST SANDY UTAH 84070 For more information on this property please contact Kellen Koncar and Matt Mangum at 801.617.1700 or by email at kellen.koncar(at)crcnationwide.com and matt.mangum(at)crcnationwide.com. Kellen and Matt and are licensed real estate agents in the state of Utah and are affiliated with cRc Nationwide Real Estate Brokerage.



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