
< Friendly s Convenience in Saint John NB is looking for a Full-Time and Permanent Bookkeeper who is competent and strong in Accounting> .Position Bookkeeper (One Position available) Work Hours 7 hrs per day 35 hrs per week (full-time) Permanent Wage 19.00 hour Benefit 10 days paid vacation per yearRequirements Experience At least 1 or 2 years of work experience as a Bookkeeper is required Education Completion of a college program in accounting bookkeeping or a related field Duties and Responsibilities Prepare and file tax returns to the revenue agency monitor and support taxation issues Compile and analyze financial information to prepare financial statements (NTR) Fill up various forms Data and journal entry Bank Rec AR AP GST PST reporting Intermediate to advanced Microsoft Excel skills (must be able to use pivot tables and Vlookup) Set up financial statements and enter opening balances Prepare year-end financial statements and related working papers for reviews and compilations Assist in preparation of government remittances- including GST PST PD7A & WCB Ability to type 50 wpm How to Apply Send your resume to E-mail friendlysconveniencenbhr(at)gmail.comOrBy Mail 391 Lancaster Av Saint John NB E2M 1K3 (Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.) We hire on the basis of merit and is strongly committed to equity and diversity within its community. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority



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