Grand Prairie 11 890 Pool Free WiFi Areas W Warrior Tr

Grand Prairie 1 1 890Exterior Amenities Pool Free WiFi Areas Perimeter fence Laundry room School bus stop Handicap modified units Interior Amenities W D connections Walk-in closets Private patios balconies Cable ready Hi-speed internet Custom built-ins Dishwashers Garbage disposals Fire places Ceiling fans Miniblinds Frost free refrigerators Call Text 972-748-3705 ask for Bryan- Free apartment locator all areas all situations all credit. Reference Ad 786This unit is NOT second chance leasing and does not work with credit issues. Bryan Williams (at) Apartment Dispatch 972-748-3705 or Email Call or Text anytime. Fastest way to reach me is my website below to fill out a quick questionnaire. Free apartment locator with 10 years experience. Email me for a FREE list of properties. All information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed pricing and policies are subject to change without notice.



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