20 FT KenCraft Duck Rider Skiff

2060 Bay Rider Duck Rider Package Flat Bottom Skiff These boats are designed for the ultimate bay bayou ride flat bottom pre rigged for trolling motor Bay Rider 2060 Flat Bottom SpecificationsCenterline 20 2 Beam 7 10 Dry Weight 2 350 lbs Fuel 35 gal Livewell Standard 15 gal Max HP 150 Recommended HP 115Transom 25 Draft 10 Call for Ordering details or go to www.coastalmarinesales.com or KenCraftBoats.com info Gulfport MS - Can Deliver Custom Your HULL color to match your truck sports team or just a unique color in mind these options are available. Shown Duck Rider 2060 With a Yamaha VMAX Sho 115hp 2287313955



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