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The strangest thing happened today An invisible mailman passed my way.He gave me something that wasn t quite there And to see an invisible mailman is really quite rare.So I opened this nothing real real wide To find even more of nothing inside.Your writing was neat and very clean So clean in fact that it couldn t be seen.The scent was so sweet as I recall So sweet in fact there was none at all.Now I m writing back with love you can bet To thank you for the letter I never did get.I sit here behind these walls right now But things could always change somehow.I could be there where things are better And you could be waiting for an invisible letter. Hello my name is Joe. If you are reading this I d love to hear from you. I am in federal prison for another 11years and could use a real letter every now and then. My address is Joe Hoffman 17407085Federal Correctional InstitutionTerminal IslandPo Box 3007San Pedro CA 90733Please write if you like the photo. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you soon.



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