Great Location &ndash Lease-to-Own 4 Beds Westridge Great ISD

9900 Laurel Cherry Drive McKinney TX 75070 -- 4 2 2 2045 sf 309 900Beautiful four bedroom with wonderful open floor plan on one of the biggest lots in the neighborhood. Spacious kitchen features granite countertops stainless steel appliances and ceramic tile floor. Front bedroom could easily function as a study-home office. Secluded master huge backyard covered front porch washer-dryer and much more. Exemplary schools For Sale 309 900 Lease option call us today 817-980-0068 and get more information Forget about your credit problems and find out more about our exclusive Lease Purchase Program Sorry we do not accept HUD vouchers or Section 8 at this time. This home is for sale not rent.



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