Rim repair service

We can repair the curb damage on your rims price range from 125 to 175 depends on how much curb rash is on the wheel and it can be done the same day depending on time u dropoff. Email when you are on the way we are open at 9am and close at 8pm monday thru saturday. 7138940593Bent rims can be done the same day depending on damage of bend or crack it take 30 to 45 minute to repair depending on how many you have in front of you and if we have to paint email a picture of damage or ask for cellphone to get quote. 7138940593I have a least one tire to fit any vehicle or get two alternate tire size so your suspension what be off. 7138940593 i have 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26



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