Looking for a bro to jerk off with

Looking for a masc straight in-shape jerk off bud under 32. Just jerk off scenes.. Maybe oral once we get comfortable. In Manchester CT and host only so be able to travel if you hit me up.I m really into stroking both dicks together c-ck on c-ck in one hand feeling each other s hard dick against the other. I have a fleshlight and double-f--king it together feels amazing. Love DP ing it with a hot bro. Always have had a fantasy of a hot guy to walk in strip down to nothing but a baseball cap wearing it real low and sexy and walk into my room naked and hard and catching me on the edge of the bed with my dick in the fleshlight and just get right down to it.. Walking up to me all cocky and standing over me all hot and flexed out and sliding his dick into it with mine and slowly double-f--king it together for a long while until we both bust hard in it. If you re into that same scene and are down then definitely hit me up with face body picsReally into guys that smoke bud cigs- big turn on if a dude sparks up a blunt or cigs while we get off.. Love guys in ballcaps and beaters. So if you re close by or cool with driving then hit me up and maybe we can make it happen. Please be respectful. Just looking for a hot masc jerk off bud. Have pics or no interest If it s easier to text then hit me up on eight six zero eight five one three two seven there.



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