Holiday Weekend

42 year old divorced mom of two teenagers. With that being said I have very few times I can be free from work and the kids for fun. This weekend will be one of them as my kids will be gone the entire weekend with their dad. So I am looking to have some fun. I have been with very few men since my divorce. It has been sometime since the last time. I would like to spend this weekend with someone. I have pretty much only done vanialla type of stuff with the few men I have been with since my divorce as I am pretty conservative and shy.I would like to change that this weekend and experiment. I do not know what I am actually looking for. I am hoping someone will have some ideas for stuff for me to try. I have a couple of fantasies I have thought about but to scared to try yet. A couple would be a threesome or more and another woman. Open to any suggestions.I live in Ankeny so will need to be close by as I do not want to travel far.Race is not an issue. Never been with a black guy though. My age or prefer younger. Must be HWP. I am very fit and work out at least twice a week and walk. Prefer single but not opposed to married I guess.So if you are interested please give me details about you like age and stats and how you can help me out to explore as to what you are into.



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