New York State Boating safety class Buffalo Mandatory

MANDATORY BOATING CERTIFICATION LICENSE CLASS Earn your New York State Boating Safety and Personal Watercraft Certification in a 1-day format. This Boating Safety Course is commonly referred to as a boating license and jetski license . This 8-hour course is open to students 10 years of age and older and is the NYS Course required for all PWC Jetski Operators and boat Operators. Classes offered through Nassau Suffolk Queens Manhattan and Westchester. CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR A CURRENT LIST OF DATES AND LOCATIONS. Brianna s Law a law passed in the NYS Senate and Assembly in June of 2019 mandates that everyone who operates a power driven vessel in NYS complete this course This law is being phased in by date of birth - be sure to complete this course to be legal All credit cards accepted. Register at or call 516-216-4410.



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