Massive Lot of Lingerie Open 98 10AM-8PM - 5

We have over 3 000 pieces of lingerie for sale. Everything you can imagine. It s hard to describe some of these items but they include gowns bras panties naughty nurse outfits and a lot of items that include chains and lots of leather. You really just have to see it honestly. All items are 5 a piece or less cash only. If you are serious you can come by and take a look at everything. Better deal for bulk buys. Open to selling the whole lot to serious buyers.If you would like to come by text my cell so I can unlock the building. I work on-site just a few feet from the warehouse so I can show anytime between 9am-7pm Monday-Friday and select days on the weekends. Address 9860 Gidley Street El Monte Building 2We are the corner lot with the big white gate at the intersection of Gidley and Rowland.ATTENTION This is not my primary business and we do not have signage. I work next door and cannot man the warehouse all day during business hours. I noticed some people have been driving in an and out of our property who did not contact me for showing. YOU MUST TEXT ME before you come by (unless we are doing an open sale) so I can open up the building otherwise you will just see a bunch of buildings and be confused.



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