Gold Star Funding LLC does Commercial Lending from 50k to 100 Million. We also buy distressed properties as investors from homes to 40 plex units. If you see and want to purchase land that it is far below market price but you don t have the money or time to do it I will connect with you and put down the money to buy it. As an investor Gold Star Funding will hold the loan for up to two years.If we can help you at any time please give us a call or email.Tom Austin239-567-1712medrxph(at)gmail.comREAL ESTATE LOANSBridge Loans Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (CMBS) Loans Office All types of office leased to business & professional services Conventional Loans for Commercial Real Estate Construction Loans Fix & Flip Loans Hard Money Loans HUD & FHA Loans for multi-family rental housing senior housing and healthcare facilities. Mezzanine & Equity Loans SBA Real Estate Loans Industrial Manufacturing Warehouse Flex R& D Retail Malls Community Neighborhood Centers Strip Malls Lifestyle Center Standalone units Multifamily 1-4 Units 5 Units plus Single Story Multi Story Hotels Full-service Budget Flagged & Unflagged Senior Housing Independent Living Assisted Living & Nursing Homes Special Purpose Churches Hospitals Sport Arenas Mobile Home Parks Farms BUSINESS LOANSAsset-Based Finance Factoring and Accounts Receivable Inventory Financing Purchase Order Finance Trade finance Consumer Finance Programs for Businesses Equipment Financing & Leasing Industry-Specific Lending IRA Rollover Business Funding Luxury Asset Lending Merchant Cash Advance Real Estate Finance for Business Owners SBA Loans Unsecured Line of Credit



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