Yard Sale Cape Coral Fl 9719-9819

Yard Sale 615 SW 9Th Ct. (Cape Coral)saturday 2019-09-07start time 7 00 am Yard Sale from Saturday 7 am till 4 pm 9 7 19-Sunday 7 am till 3 pm on 9 8 19Location information Off Skyline Turn from Pine Island Rd to Skyline then down a few streets down on left turn onto 10th will take you to SW 9th CtItems include Stand up Basketball hoop for side of road Plants small air compressor hose needed work gloves men s clothing women s clothing bike helment decorative vases chairs white bathroom cabinet with glass doors home decor houswares large dog bed hand work out weights picture frames holiday items Christmas fall and ext sun and moon Nick nacks car seat TV Stand Dog gate for room door golf clubs and balls.Tools power tools wrenches hand tools screw drivers electric breakers outlets switches covers and more.Drill press 8 gallon spray tank with electric pump and spray want electric trimmers and blowers has weed eater bolt cutters hammers air staplers belt sanders drills dryeall tools door hardware nails screws tool box s wireless printer bench grinder clamps sockets and ratchets all sizes still bits and all different kinds of tips and yard tools.



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