2012-28ft. Keystone Bullet Ultra Light Model 246 RBS

We re original owners and have kept Interior and exterior in immaculate condition because we like keeping things looking new. Bathroom is across back with a foot flush ceramic toilet small sink and cabinet shower with door and ceiling with skylight vent.Living area has sleeper couch gas stove microwave 3 burner gas stove CD DVD AM FM stereo. Chestnut glazed hardwood cabinets throughout. Blackout shades on all windows 10 slide out with awning. 15K ducted A C. Control switches at front door. 6 cu. Ft. Dometic refrigerator and large deep fiberglass sink and bench seat dining table which converts into bed if needed. Bedroom is in front and has a queen bed and laundry door.Exterior has dual 20 gal. Propane tanks with cover and gauge. Electric tongue jack dual battery switch single battery front diamond plate mounted spare tire with cover RV tires have been replaced since our ownership. LP quick connect for a new gas BBQ still in box. Large electric awning. Dual wide stance axles 6 gal. Electric water heater 41 gal fresh water tank 30 gal. black water and 30 gal. grey water 30K furnace exterior shower hookup. Dual entry doors for bathroom and LR motion sensor lights.Overall its in excellent condition except the back panel is showing signs of de-lamination at the top. There is absolutely NO damage inside. We will include a lot of extra s you will want while camping. Overall we re selling it more like a rental which includes everything including the Happy Camper sheets. Includes 12 gallon grey water smart tote new tire in box 2 ton jack Blu-Ray player Air Hawk pro cordless tire inflator some tools and spare parts portable ice maker electric drill with attachment for levelers fish clock silverware and dinnerware queen thermal blanket queen pillow top for bed battery charger towel rack trash can under sink treatment for grey and black water tanks and more. In addition we have credited 1500 to the asking price to accommodate for any repair cost. NADA retail value is 12 550. We re only asking 10 900.The roof was recoated in August 2019 and entire outside was recently washed and waxed. We are only selling due to health concerns.



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