Luxury vacations available

PRIME LOCATION FOR THE ROAR OFFSHORE BOAT RACES IN OCTOBER 2019 Entire Toucan (first floor villa) on canal with brand new IN GROUND POOL (pictures to be uploaded soon) beautifully remodeled luxury furnishings 1 king bed 1 queen bed TV s in each bedroom full living area with 55 flat screen cable wifi all utilities. Whole house water filtration system osmosis drinking water. Fully equipped kitchen with stainless steel appliances glass top stove stackable washer dryer. Microwave toaster coffee maker literally your home away from home Fully equipped with everything you need to stay for as long as you like.Private parking on property gated and secured. This is a private home. Full outdoor kitchen with gas grill at your disposal awesome bar for entertaining outdoor furniture for dining and an amazing sound system. Everything is lit at night providing a beautiful peaceful soft glow. Privacy is important and we respect our guests as we ask our guests to respect us. The patio is a shared space with the owner s upper villa.



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