Come See Biscuit De Mer

Hey I m Serayah I provide a relaxing space where we can put our stress to the side and enjoy each other s energy. I m a sweet genuine provider that understands your need to escape and relax.A place to unwind from the stress of work or home. Relaxation for the mind body and soul.MassageRelaxation TreatmentsShowerHot towelsSoft MusicTinder love and care Let my magical hands do the work. Come and See Me. My condo is private clean and safe. I use a table with warm oils and a clean shower at your convenience. I have a pleasuring firm touch where needed yet softly balanced in all the right places. I am seeking regular clientele that I can build a respectful discreet relationship with and if you seek the same we are going to get along great. Texting is preferable but calling to schedule is fine too. Please respect my schedule. I will always respect yours Thank you Couples Welcome 702x815x8442



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