The Turn of the Equinox and the Magical Circle Jewish Earth Magi

The Turn of the Equinox and the Magical Circle Jewish Earth Magic for Transformation An Autumnal Equinox Bonfire Welcoming the High Holy Days with Rabbi Jonathan Seidel & Maggid Jonathan Furst at the East Bay JCC Monday 9 23 7pm - 9pm East Bay JCC Berkeley Branch (outside in the back yard) 10- 20 Donation Requested NOTAFLOF Fragrance-Free Wheelchair Accessible Venue Join Maggid Jonathan Furst and Rabbi Jonathan Seidel on the turn of the Equinox for an evening around the bonfire with storytelling teaching discussion and ceremony on the transformational healing power of Jewish magic and ritual. What s makes for kosher and unkosher magic How do spiritual technologies such as amulets remote visioning divination rain-calling and spiritual healing figure in ancient halakhic and folk traditions How can we craft ritual today to make teshuva for pursuing justice and healing the Earth Dress warmly for this fireside evening and find out Presented by the Aquarian Minyan and Derech HaAretz Outdoor Yeshiva Jonathan Seidel PhD is a practicing rabbi ritualist and scholar of Jewish magic. He has been devoted to earth-based Judaism and environmental justice since the 1970s. Jonathan s current writing project examines the intersection of healing and Jewish magical practice. Jonathan Furst is a maggid (Jewish story-carrier) nature connection mentor and teacher in the Reclaiming magical tradition. He is the head instructor and founder of Derech HaAretz Outdoor Yeshiva and serves as spiritual facilitator for Keneset HaLev in San Francisco.



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