
Please please read this post entirely before making a comment study all verses quoted using a KJV Bible. No hate being preached toward anyone here. Matthew 12 31 Wherefore I say unto you All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. There is one unforgivable sin it is blasphemy of the holy spirit it is not homosexuality. But one must truly repent of it just like any other sin. If you choose to believe otherwise please quote exact book chapter and verse using a KJV Bible. I fully realize what God thinks of this particular sin (homosexuality) and others they are an abomination to Him. The word abomination is used in reference to other sin. Did you know that Please read Proverbs 6 16-19 for your answer. What is the definition of the word abomination Many really need to know this. Please study the following verses as well 1 Kings 8 46 Psalm 53 2-3 Ecclesiastes 7 20 Isaiah 59 2 and 64 6 Romans 3 9 Romans 3 23 1 John 1 8. According to the above verses sin puts all humans in the same boat truly repent and change your ways or don t your choice. Please reply if you wish. I welcome your comments but please read and study it first and completely. Thank you. ABOMINA TION n.1. Extreme hatred detestation.2. The object of detestation a common signification in scripture.The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord. Prov.xv.3. Hence defilement pollution in a physical sense or evil doctrines and practices which are moral defilements idols and idolatry are called abominations. The Jews were an abomination to the Egyptians and the sacred animals of the Egyptians were an abomination to the Jews.



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