A Rosh HaShanah Celebration of Music Meditation and Movement

The Aquarian Minyan s 5th Annual Holy New Year s PartyJoyful New Year a Rosh Hashanah Celebration of Music Meditation and Movement led by Nina Wise with music by Sheilah Glover and Stephen Kent2nd Erev - Monday September 30thEast Bay JCC 1414 Walnut in Berkeley 7pm - 9pm followed by Kiddush apples & honey and schmoozing (Doors open at 6 30pm) 20 donation at the doorAs evening falls on the first day of Rosh HaShanah we will gather for a celebration of music movement wisdom teachings and meditation. The festivities will be led by Buddhist and Jewish teacher Nina Wise with renowned musicians Sheilah Glover and Stephen Kent. With Nina s guidance we will reflect upon the past year and where we are headed pray for healing and peace through song and embodied prayer. as we rejoice in this moment of renewal. This event is for those who regularly celebrate the High Holy Days and those who want to experience a Jewish New Year for the first time. All are welcome.Nina Wise is a theater artist spiritual teacher and writer who has been described as a cross between Lily Tomlin Jules Feiffer and the Dalai Lama. Her unique performances have gained her a worldwide reputation for her zany humor deeply moving stories and wisdom.Sheilah Glover known for her extraordinary voice as part of the trio Nicholas Glover and Wray is a vocalist songwriter and composer. She plays keyboard accordion and saxophone and brings a quirky sense of humor and deep spiritual understanding to her work. Multi-instrumentalist and composer Stephen Kent s musical scores composed for theatre circus and dance companies have received international acclaim. His work as a performer and recording artist has established him as a valued member of the world music scene. He hosts Music of the World a weekly show on KPFA.Fragrance-Free Wheelchair Accessible Venue 510 214-6160 www.aquarianminyan.org



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