Common Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures services in st. George

Cosmetic dentistry is an elective dental procedure that improves your looks smile and mouth. This process can boost self-confidence by eliminating problems that make people feel self-conscious. Many procedures considered cosmetic also improve oral functions and some serve as additional protection for the teeth. Oral Surgery st. George UtahHere are some common procedures Teeth whitening Composite bonding Dental implants Braces Invisalign Dental veneers Inlays Bridges Gingival sculpting In many cases people will opt for a dental program designed specifically for their problems. It may include a mixture of several individualized procedures throughout the course of treatment. The patient is always included in developing a treatment plan.Contact us at s cosmetic-dentist-st-george or call us (435) 673-9606 today to make an appointment Our experienced dentists and our friendly staff are experienced and looking forward to seeing you



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