1998 Chevrolet Tahoe

Stk 032 1998 Chevrolet Tahoe2WD LT 93 255 Original MilesPainted Summit White with Custom Pinstripe this Tahoe is really nice dual outside mirrors tinted windows side body molding steel cowl hood grill front & rear bumpers taillights are all good. Ridler chrome rims with Mile Star tires that are new Wheel well moldings like new. Delay wipers electric switch rear hatch rear wiper rear defrost roof rack is factory antenna. Looks and sits good Tan leather interior is new on bucket seats and looks good door panels and arm rest is good kick panels dash Instrument cluster are all good. Blaupunkt AM FM CD USB SD MP3 player Factory A C & heat power driver s seat both rec liner console good overhead console with pockets for glasses and map lights tilt column with Automatic outside power mirrors on driver and passenger sides power window power door locks tan carpet like new. Sill plates good fold down back seat is good tan rubber floor mats are GM tan headliner and sun visors are good. Looks good inside.5.7 Liter 255 HP 4-speed Automatic power steering power front disc brakes drum brakes on rear end cruise control stock exhaust manifolds. Drives and handles good. Visit our website at www.ecoastcc.com for more info.



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