wood stove "CHAMP circulator reduced

This beautiful CHAMP 14AF-549A full size estate circulator coal wood stove is rare collectable and in extremely good condition. Truly a blast from the past . Called the Champ this stately wood heater was proudly made in the USA Manufactured in the early and mid-1900s by Montgomery Ward this fancy home heater is an early estate-style coal wood circulator stove. It is ready to display or install to work hard to heat your home. Clean as a whistle inside and out without a single issue. Truly a marvel of engineering and efficiency. This beauty is a fully intact coal wood heater that parallels the genre of thousands manufactured by a company called Estate. From the Spanish-American War of 1898 through two world wars and the Korean War a variety of these stoves were manufactured for a number of uses including the military. Their heating products were considered bullet-proof in that their stoves were meticulously and consistently over-designed and over-built under the most stringent guidelines. I grew up with one just like this one in our Milwaukee Army barracks in the early 40s. This heater is renowned for its 100% super-dense cast iron insides which are unmatched to this day. Measures 46 H x 28 W x 20 D [without rear flue collar]. Because this stove was designed and built to burn coal it will with proper use last generations as a woodstove. Front loading sealed ash door with ez remove ash system and the original hand ash shaker grate crank Reversible horizontal vertical flue collar. The Champ is best known for its highly efficient and densely cast iron heat exchanger that is a marvel of engineering. A stove built like this today would cost thousands of dollars. Everything is all exquisitely wrapped up and surrounded by a beautiful porcelain ceramic baked on mahogany HD steel exterior. Being a circulator a blower is NOT necessary. Note the detail and rare refreshing craftsmanship With rare beauty design timeless form and function this stove will prove to be a wise investment an heirloom or a showpiece but it is most certainly a hearty coal wood burning stove that is ready to install use or display. Just 425 OBO So simply call Paul that s all



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