wood stove CARMOR reduced CANADIAN

Looking for a good quality wood stove (at) a bargain price Well you are looking at high quality Canadian designed and built CARMOR non-catalytic free standing down-drafter wood stove. Utilitarian no frills simple in design and ever so EZ to use. Made in London Ontario Ca. in the late 80 s. Mo 1250 Ser. 165007 type 1275 and Warmok Hersy tested and safety approved Large top surface area for cooking steaming. Fully fire bricked lined standard horizontal 6 flue and includes the optional HD lower heat shield. Twin disc EZ top draft controls. So with no issues this woodstove is ready to install. The Carmor is highly acclaimed and positively reviewed in Canada where wood heating is a serious endeavor. No big box Asian fluff here Mind you this woodstove is for the serious wood heater. Measurements are 30 W x 20 D x 30 H. This is a rare find (at) just 450 [OBO] Must see. Simply call .that s all. Paul



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