Digital Experience Project Manager III

s jobopeningsjobs(at) mDigital Experience Project Manager III needs 5 years of full stack Java development experienceDigital Experience Project Manager III requires Websphere Portal experience preferred Java certification a plus Hybris experience a plus Experience with SAP web product suite a plus In-depth knowledge of web and mobile development principles expert in associated tools & products (portal & e-commerce platforms MADP platforms enterprise search enterprise content management SEO & web analytics) Deep expertise in designing and deploying enterprise-based web solutions Strong experience in core Java J2EE technologies Excellent understanding of JAVASCRIPT framework JQUERY bootstrap NODE JS XML JSON AJAX and Angular JS Strong experience with web markup including HTML5 and CSS3 excellent understanding of HTML and CSS preprocessing platforms Experience with web services & rest APIs Experience with Agile development methodologies Digital Experience Project Manager III duties Demonstrates the ability to independently gather business requirements design technical solution and implement solution either alone or by coordinating with other IT resources Develops recommends and applies new concepts techniques systems and technologies within assigned area of expertise Consistently demonstrates initiative to acquire and utilize new technical skills within job function Delivers technical solutions that meet Business Requirements IT technical standards and is sustainable in the planned productive environment Detail-oriented able to multi-task and prioritize Self-starter ability to work independently with strong initiative



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