Senior Data Warehouse Architect

s jobopeningsjobs(at) mSenior Data Warehouse Architect needs 10 years of experience as hands-on senior architect in data warehouse domain in both data and application space for enterprise projectsSenior Data Warehouse Architect requires 5 years of experience in microservices using SpringBoot 2 years of experience in Pivotal cloud foundry preferred 5 years of experience in detailed architecture and hands-on experience in either admin or writing producers and consumers in enterprise Kafka set up or both. 5 recent years of experience in Oracle Teradata Comfortable with PL SQL codebase 5 years of experience solutioning in very high SLA non-functional requirements 5 years of designing and implementing in Agile methodology Deep experience with reference patters in various Big data stacks & real time integration. 3 years of experience with cloud such as Azure (preferred) Senior Data Warehouse Architect duties Architect for Strategy Architect



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