2016 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE for Sale at Our Dealership in Toronto

Volkswagen Beetles are definitely making a major comeback in the auto industry. Our customer service team at Nexcar is extremely knowledgeable in the specs of VW models. For those seeking a Used Volkswagen for sale Toronto consider Nexcar Auto Wholesalers first as our team is not only the most knowledgeable but the most passionate about finding our customers the perfect car This 2016 used vehicle is listed at 14 990 and includes a 2 tone interior backup camera panoramic roof and so much more. Our dealership also offers amazing deals and programs on auto financing options. We have a solution for every type of credit situation and our team is ready to help you today.Contact our team at Nexcar Auto Wholesalers for the perfect used Volkswagen such as the 2016 listed here or search our ever-growing inventory for something different s www.nexcar.ca used Volkswagen 2016-Volkswagen-Beetle-200bd4490a0e08bc61b6c6 12b9619fb1.htm Phone (416) 633 8188 Email info(at)nexcar.ca Location 1235 Finch Ave W Toronto ON M3J 2G4For all your Used Volkswagen for sale in Toronto visit s www.nexcar.ca



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