1972 Chevrolet Cheyenne

Stk 148 1972 Chevrolet Cheyenne C10Painted a beautiful blue paint that is slick and straight with newer door handles newer mirrors and antenna all body trim like new newer bed rails bed sprayed with liner the same color as truck newer side marker lights newer taillights tail gate trim is good. Gas cap is newer door glass vents are new. Newer rubber and felt newer emblems grill looks good newer hood ornament new Intro rims with Nitto tires. Slick and straight. Sits good.Deluxe Blue interior tilt column with automatic woodgrain dash cluster with gauges factory A C & Heat A C blows cold AM FM Cassette radio head liner blue door panels with wood trim kick panels with speakers blue carpet and carpeted floor mats all look new. Seat belts. Looks new inside.Powered by a 350 engine mated to a 350 transmission with aluminum finned valve covers chrome Edelbrock air cleaner Pro Comp aluminum intake Holley carb aluminum heads Hooker headers Billet water neck power steering flex fan Factory A C. Neat & detailed runs and handles great Visit our website at www.ecoastcc.com for more info.



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