Customer CareAdmin support

s jobopeningsjobs(at) m Customer Care Admin support needs 2-4 years relevant work experienceCustomer Care Admin support requires Customer service Admin assistant Calendaring Reception Travel coordination MS Office Phones Customer Care Admin support duties Responsible for day-to-day operations of the office building office key cards submitting work order requests and resolving any building issues with Office Manager coordinating with building management and security and opening and closing the office. Calendar management travel coordination expense reporting and various projects. Monitoring Concierge inbox and employee requests prioritizing emails and drafting responses and solutions in a timely professional manner with resolution. Reserve and confirm reservation requests for the office greet guests provide locker set up and check-in and check-out of guests. Execute office-related requests such as office upkeep greeting guests answering phones processing catering and grocery office orders processing incoming and outgoing mail and managing conference room reservations meeting logistics coordinating company meetings including equipment set-up dial-in with employees and visitors. Providing event coordination and assist in cleanup for onsite events.



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