Outlook - Master Your Mailbox - Inbox Hero Inbox Zero

This training session focuses on the email aspect of Outlook. In this session you ll learn how used in the right way Outlook can save you time help you to gain more control over your mailbox improve your response time and allow you to keep up with the never-ending stream of critical actions and due dates.For most business users (and many home users too) Microsoft Outlook has become the standard application for managing emails calendar appointments and to-dos. With an abundance of features and versions for desktop and mobile there s really no excuse not to be organized. Or so the theory goes. With the average office worker receiving over 100 emails per day the reality for most people is email overload missed deadlines and calendars so full you have no room to stop take stock and smell the roses (as the saying goes).Speaker Profile Mike Thomas has worked in the IT training business since 1989. He is a subject matter expert in a range of technologies including Microsoft Office and Apple Mac. In 2012 Mike founded theexceltrainer.co.uk where he has produced nearly 200 written and video-based Excel tutorials. He has recorded several Excel training courses for pluralsight.com and in his career delivered hundreds of courses and webinars on a wide variety of technology-related topics.Register s www.ijonaskills.us webinarDetails webinarid 540& speakerid 99& domain 1Contact Info Ijona skillsEmail support(at)ijonaskills.usVisit s www.ijonaskills.us upcoming-webinarPhone 1 302-830-3132



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