1951 Plymouth Business Coupe

1951 Plymouth Business Coupe For Sale in Crosby North Dakota 58730 If you are someone who appreciates classic authenticity laced with powerful performance than you owe it to yourself to check out this 1951 Plymouth Business Coupe This two-door coupe features a strong stately styling that is reminiscent of a simpler era. It is dressed in beautiful black and silver exterior that is complemented by an exceptionally clean black and silver interior. Powered by a Big Block 396 V-8 engine that is mated with a turbo 400 automatic transmission this charming coupe is eager to get out on the road for an enjoyable driving experience. This 1951 Plymouth Business Coupe has underwent a frame up Restoration in 2013. With a rich legacy of success the Business Coupe has become an iconic classic of the automobile industry and this 1951 Plymouth Buisness Coupe is one of the best survivors in existence. It comes fully loaded with exceptional options and upgrades that add value to its classic authenticity. Highlights Include Ford 9 inch rear end that is tubed with 4link suspension tire size is 31X18.5X15 on the rear with Mickey Thompson tire s and the front has 205X65X15. Car has A C and heat autometer gauges electric seats this car has 2839 miles. This 1951 Plymouth Business Coupe has been very well maintained and adult driven. This Plymouth is a must see drive to truly appreciate everything it has to offer. In fact come see for yourself You will agree that you cannot find another 1951 Plymouth Business Coupe in this condition for the asking price. Don t miss out on this amazing opportunity to own a true one-of-a-kind collector s car that will appreciate in value over time. Call today for more information on how you can get behind the wheel of this iconic custom classic gem



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