Millwork Project Manager

Job Description Baron Manufacturing is currently seeking a Millwork Project Manager to join our team with minimal supervision. About Us We started Baron Manufacturing in 1992 and within a few years we grew into an in-house fabrication millwork and casework 100 000 sq. ft. facility. Our work earned us a loyal rapidly expanding customer base which includes many prestigious properties and five-star establishments such as the Ritz-Carlton Hard Rock Hotel and Casino and Nassau International Airport.Our team members are dedicated individuals who have been with us for years and together we work unified and focused to serve our customers needs. Responsibilities Coordinates all aspects of their architectural millwork projects. Manage all phases of the job including sales orders detailing production delivery and installation crews and quality control. Review shop drawings. Plan organize and supervise field installations. Material takeoff and field measurements. Requirements Experience in architectural millwork industry with hands-on involvement in operational activitiesExperience working with architectural blueprints and specificationsCompensation and Benefits Competitive salary commensurate with experience Benefits package available Baron Manufacturing is Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee Polygraph Protection compliant.



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