Upgraded anti-skid tires are lighter with a higher thread count for increased performance. Handlebars and grips perfectly matched to black leather seats. Fortified chains offer increased strength against the stresses of wear and weather. The proper locks will keep your bike safe and your mind at ease. Our security bolts cover what your other doesn t.UNIQUE FEATURES DELIVERY STATUS - 85% Assembled StateAGE-RANGE - 13 & AboveIDEAL HEIGHT - Cyclists between 5 4 inches to 6 4 inchesBIKE TYPE - Road BikeBRAKE TYPE - Front - Caliper & Back - CoasterTYRES - Anti-skid TyresFRAME-MATERIAL - SteelHANDLE TYPE - Straight BarSEAT - Adjustable seat with pedals & reflectorsGEAR AND SPEED RATING - Non-Gear & Single SpeedLENGTH HEIGHT & WEIGHT - 1680mm 960mm and 11.8kg SIZE - 18 inches CONTACT 9786267679OFFICE ADDRESS 17 17 Stonedge Towers 1st Avenue Ashok Pillar Chennai 600083 LIKING IT Waiting for what Bluoo Warrior will be more than your expectations.Buy now and get back on the track as before.



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