Personal Care Provider - Home Care

Thornhill ON 16.00 hour 1 Vacancy Employment groups Indigenous people Newcomers to Canada Permanent Full time 35 hours week As soon as possibleEmployer Howard SpigelmanJob requirementsLanguages EnglishEducation Secondary (high) school graduation certificateExperience Experience an assetSecurity and Safety Criminal record checkSpecific Skills Administer medications Administer bedside and personal care Launder clothing and household linens Assist in regular exercise e.g. walk Assume full responsibility for household (in absence of householder) Shop for food and household supplies Provide personal care Provide companionship Perform light housekeeping and cleaning duties Prepare and serve nutritious mealsWork Setting Optional accommodation available at no charge on a live-in basis. Note This is NOT a condition of employmentCredentials (certificates licences memberships courses etc.) CPR Certificate First Aid CertificateHow to applyBy email bestcarehire(at)gmail.comBy fax 905-487-7173



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