wood stove WATERFORD 103 Ireland s best

For real. This strikingly beautiful one owner and legendary Waterford 103 wood stove was made in Ireland and it is in excellent condition. Not a single issue this gorgeous efficient and clean burning wood stove is in the optional and pricy black porcelain enameled finish. The 103 was considered state of the art in its time and remains today the epitome of form function and technology. Simply beautiful. Approx. 29 H x 30 W x 22.5 deep this is Waterford s second largest made and it will accept 20 logs. UL and EPA approved this wood stove is ready to install and will heat up to 60 000 BTU She weighs in at more than 400 lbs due to its fine European high density cast iron [No Asian junk]. Flawless front loading feature and it includes the auto burn mode that engages the renowned high efficiency long burn mode. Standard 8 vertical horizontal flue collar dedicated fire screen for the open fireplace effect dedicated tool built in flue damper and the original owner s manual Large twin pyro-ceramic glass doors provide a beautiful view of the fire and plenty of radiant heat Imagine winter is almost here so do something about your ever increasing energy bills because this woodstove will easily pay for itself in no time. From Ireland to warm your home and heart. Designed to last generations. Originally this stove commanded in excess of 2500.00 in 1980 dollars and can be yours for just 575 OBO Simply call....that s all



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