5 Month White Coton de Tulear wblack ear

Purchased this cute puppy (Shadow) about 2 months ago. Work has gotten extremely hectic & dont want to put the puppy in a day care but rather have him in a loving & caring home that can give him the attention he needs & deserves. I have a total of maybe a bit over 3000 invested in the puppy which includes ALL of his shots up to date (Next appointment isnt until April of next year when he hit 1yr) he is microchiped & liscensed with the NYC Health. Included with him is 10-15lbs of dry puppy food (life extensions) 2 bottles of daily vitamins car seat cage (2) beds playpen (2) boxes of wee wee pads & a bunch of other stuff. Great with kids (I have kids) very playful & loving.



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