Labradoodle Puppies (F1B)

We are a small kennel and we exclusively breed labradoodles. Currently we have a litter of F1b labradoodle puppies for sale. 1200- 1600. These beautiful puppies come from champion bloodlines on both sides. Dame (Molly) is a F1 black labradoodle. Her mother is a registered poodle and her father is a registered champion English yellow lab (Ace) from Snake River Retrievers in St. Antony Idaho. The stud is a registered red standard poodle (Scottie) from the Mustang Hills Kennel in Herriman Utah. We have health checks on all of our dogs. The puppies make amazing pets. If you are interested in seeing some puppies from past litters please follow us on Facebook at Upper Valley Doodles. We have multiple colors for sale in this litter Red Male (1)- 1600 Dark Apricot Male (1)- 1600 Apricot Females (3) 1600 Black females (3) 1400 and Black male- 1200.All of our puppies come with 26 month hip and eye guarantee. Additionally they are free from specific poodle genetic disease due to sire being tested. 400 dollars deposit will hold your choice of puppy. This litter will be ready to go to their new home the end of October. We are located just outside Idaho Falls Idaho and generally delivery for free to Utah (throughout) Idaho (throughout) Las Vegas Bozeman Butte and Helena areas. Please contact with serious inquiries.



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