Top Schools In Gurgaon- Sherwood Convent School

Sherwood Convent School was established in 1993. This is a top & best CBSE affiliated English medium school located in the heart of Gurgaon. This school is run by the New Ekta Educational Society (Regd). Sherwood Convent School Gurgaon is a registered CBSE affiliated 530205. The Sherwood Convent School offers an all-round education system by focusing on moral intellectual social academic sports and physical aspects of the children. This school education is designed to focus on overall well-being and personality development of the students. This school has a team of experienced teachers who believes in nurturing students with a paramount atmosphere where they can reap extraordinary learning experience. If You are looking for the best schools in Gurgaon You are the right place. Admission open for session 2019-2020 for classes Pre-Nur to IX.For Further details please visit website s Contact Us Sherwood Convent School L-14 DLF Phase II Gurgaon 122002 IndiaPH 0124-4016730 31 Email sherwood_school(at) Web



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