SAS Training in Noida

Croma campus is a leading and best training institute in Sector 3 Noida as well as in Noida that offers SAS Training in Noida all the latest IT technologies. We started our journey back in 2008 what s more inside a brief timeframe we have acknowledgment in the preparation world. Praise to our committed specialists who have put their spirit in preparing their best in the predetermined subjects Course Duration - 40 - 50 hrs training classesTraining Centers Location SAS sourses are run in our Delhi offices (Noida Delhi and Gurgaon) or can be on-site at client locations (Corporate Training)Timings & Schedules Both on weekdays and weekendsPre-Requisite Students in life science biology biotechology & pharmacy fresherExtras Interview questions & answers will be covered along with courseLAB Facility The SAS training is aimed thoughtfully for each set with hands on experience experiences in the lab session. The lab term is followed along with the statement in the respective day itself.More Information Contact us Croma Campus -Phone number - 91-9818014543 91-9711526942 Address - E - 20 Sector-03 Noida -201301 (India) (Near Sector 16 Metro Station)



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