Organizing Assistant

I m Jessica Renee Professional Organizer and founder of Organized Human LLC. I am seeking an assistant who can accept work on a project by project basis. You will assist with hands-on organizing services. This includes but is not limited to decluttering moving heavy items rearranging items sorting and organizing spaces. I am seeking a hardworking reliable resourceful motivated and enthusiastic individual.Basic Requirements Must be 20 or older(State ID Required) You must be physically fit to perform this work(job requires 6-7 hours on your feet). Provide two verifiable professional references and one personal reference. Have personal Android iPhone or computer for easy communication. Have transportation to and from projects. ALWAYS put the clients needs first and go the extra mile )Desired Skills & Experience Must be able to follow directions and complete tasks. Must be able to declutter move heavy items sort through items stand on your feet for hours at a time and organize large spaces. Must have good organizational skills Must be able to think on your toes and anticipate my needs as an assistant. Must enjoy creating order out of chaos ) Must be willing to do what makes the client happy. Ability to accept flexible projects. Ability to work on-call.If this position was made for you please contact me by phone (at)917-309-4557 or via email jessica(at) Thank you for your time.



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