Unique luxury house in the Chambery area of Blainville

Luxury house Bungalow Blainville Laurentians for sale - 5 Du Biollay. This luxurious house designed by Mario Adornetto Conception is located in the beautiful ecological district of Blainville Chamb ry a neighborhood where homes are built respecting the rules of architectural control and eco-friendly development. Huge living room with 15 foot ceiling and its breathtaking fenestration luxurious and optimized kitchen modern design and materials make this property very impressive. The master bedroom is absolutely superb but also its private bathroom. This turnkey property of modern style built in 2017 offers a paved and landscaped lot of over 10040 sq ft with an in-ground pool and will delight the most demanding buyers. Assured crush Act fast it s unique.Esther LacroixResidential Real Estate BrokerRoyal Lepage Humania514-349-2712 lacroixvend.com Maison de prestige plain-pied Blainville Laurentides vendre - 5 Du Biollay. Ce luxueux plain-pied sign Conception Mario Adornetto est situ dans le magnifique quartier cologique le Chambery de Blainville un quartier o les habitations sont construites respectant des r gles de contr le architectural et un am nagement co-responsable. Immense salon avec plafond 15 pieds et sa fenestration couper le souffle o la cuisine luxueuse et optimis e La modernit du design et des mat riaux rendent cette propri t tr s impressionnante. La chambre des ma tres est tout fait superbe mais aussi sa salle de bain priv e. Cette propri t cl en main de style moderne construite en 2017 offre un terrain pav et am nag de plus de 10 040 pc avec piscine creus e et saura ravir les acheteurs les plus exigeants. Coup de coeur assur Faites vite elle est unique.



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