2015 DODGE CHARGER SESHARP LOOKING CLOTH INTERIOR 2 REAR USB PORTS FRONT USB PORT AUX INPUT STEERING WHEEL AUDIO CONTROLS BLUETOOTH SATELLITE RADIO PUSH BUTTON START KEYLESS ENTRY ALLOY WHEELS 3.6L V 6 ENGINE MUCH MORE ----------MPG 19 city 31 hwyStyle SE 4dr SedanEngine 3.6L V6Transmission Automatic 8-SpeedFuel GasolineDrivetrain RWD----------GUARANTEED FINANCING AVAILABLE Call Us TODAY to get Pre-Approved It s Quick ... It s Easy Visit our website to see all our Commercial Cargo Vans Work Trucks and Utility Vehicles available BAD CREDIT NO CREDIT WE CAN HELP GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL IS EASY AS 1 2 3 1. Pick out the vehicle you like. 2. Answer a few questions. 3. We ll show you exactly what it takes to drive your car home today.What will you need for financing A. Proof of income (One of the following) - Pay stub showing tax deductions - Three months of bank statements showing your deposits - Three months of canceled checks from your employer - If you re paid cash only we will accept a letter from your employer on company letter head that shows your wages hours worked each week and how long you ve been with your employer.B. Insurance is required to finance a vehicle but we can help you get insurance quotes if needed.C. (5) References name address and phone number.For the best financing it helps to have Driver s license Checking Account (bring in your last statement) and a utility bill to prove your residence.Q. What if I ve had a prior repossession A. Not a problem.Q. How much do I need down A. We don t require any money down. However lenders may base a down payment on a number of factors. We ll do our best to work within your budget. Bring what you can afford to put down and we ll see what we can do. To apply for financing on this vehicle or others in inventory visit our website at VolunteerMotors.com



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