EMAIL MARKETING MANAGER We are looking for a passionate and experienced Email Marketing Manager to join our Marketing team A solid understanding of email marketing best practices reporting testing database management and content development is essential. Your main duties include running email marketing campaigns end-to-end managing email databases and creating newsletters. RESPONSIBILITIES Write detailed briefs for creative and development teams and collaborate to create world-class email campaigns. Manage and build overall email marketing strategy Determine email marketing KPIs Create smart email lists Increase email subscriptions Make recommendations and promote the use of innovative email features and capabilities including dynamic content interactivity intelligent targeting personalisation database segmentation APIs and email templates. Tracking and reporting on email campaigns in order to guide improvements. Ensuring all email campaigns comply with current email best practice in the industry. Working closely with the Head of CRM to develop a clear CRM strategy. Proofread emails for clarity grammar and spelling Ensure mobile-friendly email templates REQUIREMENTS Past experience with email marketing lead nurturing marketing automation and or web analytics Proficient using marketing automation technology Excellent written communication and copywriting skills. Have experience in email marketing & social media platforms (Mailchimp Klaviyo Listrak Oracle Hootsuite etc.) Knowledge of latest digital marketing trends Experience with email automation tools Sense of ownership and pride in your performance and its impact on Strong project management skills An ability to work under tight deadlines Knowledge of SEO SEM and Google Analytics Do let us know which site have you seen our job post so we can process your applications right away. You may apply through this email freelancers(at)



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