Retro Pixie kins Mug by Walter Dworkin Holt Howard Era - Adorabl

Hi from Walter Dworkin author of the 2 well- known books on Holt-Howard 1950 s collectibles and the world s leading expert on Holt Howard Pixieware. Based on popular demand I have created new designs based on these vintage collectibles. I am pleased to announce that the first design is now available as a collectible coffee mug. Hot Stuff Horace is a tribute to all of the classic 1950 s style ceramic artwork.The Atomic symbols represent the 1950 s during the Atomic Era when most pixies were born and ruled everywhere This is the first in a series of 8 collectible mug family designs each with new and unique artwork drawn and signed by me . These new designs will be called Pixie kins and you should search for them under that name . New Mugs will be released periodically until the set is complete. This is a first Run edition with limited availability. Future runs of this design will be serialized as later editions.Collect one or collect all and look for other matching accessories in the future like dishtowels spoon rests ceramic jars and more. Thank you for your continuing interest and support . Go to s P4FMkv



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