Looking out for a kind hearted man to spend the rest of my life

Hi to start with Age is Nothing But some number so as distance when it come relationship and love.... I believe in fate and I know that YOU exist I am sure that YOU also dream of meeting the right woman for you..So maybe we are exactly two lonely souls far away but we have the same wish . I am ready to follow you even to the edge of the world. IF you become my Love . If my heart fills with passion and love to you . If thoughts about you capture my mind. Let s see if we do not try we will never know. I do not want to be lonely thats why I found enough strength to come to this site and registered my profile here. So now it s your turn to be a man and write to me first. I m an easy-going kind-hearted honest and romantic lady.I appreciate sense of humor and sincerity I want to share everything with YOU both happy and sad moments every single second of the day. I love to make people smile love to laugh sincerely love to love and want to love that s why I am here. Text me 2182150288



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