Plot with Project in S Aranjassa near Palma de MallorcaConstruction off the villa has been halted while we find an investor who can either buy the project and take over construction themselves or invest in a finished project which we will complete for the investorLocated on a plot of over 7 800 sqm this spacious villa in the style of a traditional Spanish nca is near Palma de Mallorca and close to several beaches. Palma is the capital city offering a cultural hotspot with shops cafe s bars and clubs. You will also find the island s airport here in addition the best transport routes for the whole island lead in and out of Palma. The plot is just a 6 minute walk from Mirador Illes Malgrats.With a living area of more than 400 sqm the Villa offers a spacious living area including dining room and open library additionally four bedrooms with bathroom en suite. The garage can accommodate up to 4 cars the pool measures 6 x 12 meters. This exclusive property also features a roof top terrace as well as a wine cellar. A separate at in the ground oor is also available and separately accessible with it s own em-suite bedroom. Check the renders out in the image gallery slider aboveCLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO ARRANGE A VIEWINGCharacteristicsPlot 7 800 m2Built floor space 400 m2Rooms 4Bathrooms 4Pool 1Price for the unfinished project 1.1m reduced to 999k Price for the completed project 2m with basic featuresPrice for the completed project Negotiable with high grade featuresCLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO ARRANGE A VIEWINGFeaturesSpacious living area and dining roomSwimming pool 6 12mGarage for up to 4 carsRoof terraceWine cellarSeparate flat in ground floorOpen libraryem-suite bedroomsRural views ending with a partial view of the coastLarge plotCLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO ARRANGE A VIEWING



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