Call to Avail the Best Air Ambulance in Guwahati Now

Are you in a medical emergency If yes then feel free to call us anytime to avail the fastest and safe Air Ambulance in Guwahati. Lifesaver provides a bed to bed patient transfer to all the major cities in India such as Delhi Mumbai and Chennai etc. Our Patient transfer service is dependable and reliable with an excellent arrangement of ICU equipment on-board.Lifesaver possesses some of the finest Doctors and paramedics who have vast experience of dealing with different types of patients. A specialist Doctor as per patient requirement is deputed together with a paramedic to ensure constant monitoring and stabilization of the patient. Call us now to book an Air Ambulance in Guwahati at an affordable price now. Contact Now Mobile Numbers- 91 7780000606 91 8969990421info(at)



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