Own a Premium Home in JKG Palm Court 9266850850 Noida Extension

Own a Premium Home in JKG Palm Court (at) 9266850850 Noida Extension Don t just be disheartened with the old boring lifestyle upgrade it instread with JKG Palm Court that has lavish 2 and 3 BHK apartments with some of the breathtaking facilities in an Opulent location at Noida Extension. These flats are avilable in the sizes ranging in between 1185 Sq. Ft. to 2005 Sq. Ft. with a starting price of only Rs. 35.5 Lac Onwards. To know more about the floor plan please visit JKG Palm Court Floor Plan PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 3 HIGH SPEED LIFT WITH TOWERSJOGGING TRACK YOGA CENTER GYMNASIUM.SWIMMING POOL AND TODDLERS POOLALL FLATS ARE THREE SIDES OPEN24X7 3 TIER SECURITY SYSTEMPARTY LAWN WITH AMPHITHEATER76% GREEN LANDSCAPED AREA PROJECT DETAILS - Project Name - JKG Palm CourtLocation - Noida ExtensionPrice - 35.50 Lac Size - 1185 sq. Ft. CONTACT DETAILS - Call us - 9266850850Visit us - www.jkgpalmcourt.net.in



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