Milford NH - Established and profitable Hair Salon business for

Milford NH - Hair salon business equipment supplies etc. for sale. Fully equipped operating business available located in 800 SF retail location. Superb location established guests referrals and plenty of foot traffic make this a immediate profit center. Past and current revenue levels of 585 per day per stylist with low monthly expenses of 1 470. Over 26 300 of equipment supplies product furniture d cor included (plus additional value of web presence existing customer list goodwill name recognition). Existing configuration has 5 styling stations. Included with the sale would be all equipment supplies etc. to fully operate opportunity as it has for years. Web site name and years of goodwill all part of sale too. Unit has access to large lower level too. Owner financing available (price of 75 000). Additional inventory equipment list available upon request as well as details on income expenses. 60 000Scott ReiffBerkshire Hathaway Verani Commercial Real EstateLicensed in NH & MAOne Verani Way Londonderry NH 03053Direct 603-845-9972 F 206-600-6908 C agent scott-reiff



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